I personally love CrossFit. I am certified as a Level 1 trainer in CrossFit, I love to participate in the sport, and most of all I love watching the competitions.
But as a Posture Alignment Specialist, I have noticed some trends over the years that plague almost all CrossFit athletes. The two main posture problems that I see in CrossFit athletes today are:
- Internally rotated shoulders along with lack of mobility in the thoracic back
- Misaligned femurs (thigh bones)
Exercises such as cleans and snatches can pull the shoulders and upper back into an internally rotated and flexed position. Sitting leads to muscular imbalances in the hips which leads to misaligned femurs. If not properly addressed, these alignment issues can result in shoulder, knee, or back injuries in CrossFit. We need to address the body we are bringing to the sport.